Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Stay Negative, in the world full of positives!

My life has changed upside down thanks to a virus strain that has caused so much stress and at the same time reduced the stress on the entire world! Let’s face it we are in the middle of a global crisis where working from home has become a social norm and we can do nothing about it but to accept the moment and move along. because, if we stop then there is no starting back!

To be honest, the organisation I work for has always kept us prepared for such type of events to be able to work without any issues and have no impact to productivity whatsoever! Thanks to our regular BCP drills, this has become a culture and helped us to work from anywhere for that matter! But, this pandemic has hit us so hard that we have never expected to stay away from work and operate remotely, maintain social distancing and following things and doing stuff that we have not even dreamt of doing so religiously!

Let me tell you my story, how I have been tackling the situation.

Ever since the news of the outbreak was hitting the headlines, at least I have been prepared and equipped myself with sanitisers and facemasks. Who would have thought that the important piece of equipment that you need for survival during the time is your office laptop! God bless my organisation for providing us with a laptop and necessary tools to work, else things would have been very different!

I realised one thing during this lock down, a lot much can be achieved in the same amount of time when you stay focus.At office we had the liberty of going for breaks and walks every now and then, now that is no longer an option! If we try and choose to get out of homes every now and then there are other type of individuals who are doing their duties with utmost focus on the roads to control the spread of this virus, you know what I mean?!

Looks like I have got off track a little bit here, alright where were we? Yeah about my story a day in my life?!

Chapter 1: Rise and Shine

Getting up early was a force habit for me because I stay very far away from my office and I used Office transport, so you get the gist! Commute used to be very important part of my life and I was gifted with time! Which I used to spend on reading and thinking about ideas. Oh my God! I have got off track again!! So ironic that we are talking about staying focused and I am finding it very hard to do that! 😬

So where were we? Yes, rise and shine!

Get up at 5 AM, put on my tracks and start with Surya Namaskaras (Something new I started during the lock down) and offer my thanks to the one that shining! I have never cared for the chipping of the birds so much earlier but now they symphonies other first thing I listen and there a similar quality sounds are the best way to start your day! I’m not exaggerating myself here but I have started appreciating little things in my life! I complete my workout by 6:30 AM and other calls of nature finish my breakfast and read news nothing particular it’s Corona everywhere! This concludes the first chapter of my day!

Chapter 2: Plug and Play

Spoiler alert!! This is the longest of the four chapters and it’s sort of boring for you and BAU for me! Just like the same Old coffee in a new outfit. You know where I am going with this? you all might be aware of the Dalgona coffee challenge that has been infesting the social media just like Corona! Anyways, I start my work day at 10 AM, go through my mails for an hour! believe me, it takes that much time! On the other side my mother thinks that’s all I do at work and I’m getting paid for it!! Oh mother, I don’t blame you because watching a monkey who is just staring at a laptop screen for one hour you have every right to think that way!!You might be even wondering that one hour of me you could have put it to good use by making me do the dishes! You think,  don’t you?

Then starts the daily routines and checkpoint meetings. What did you do the other day? what will you do today? what will you do tomorrow? Any impediments? Oh I forgot to tell you we are Agile! We adapt to change so fast that the Darwinian monkeys and the surviving because we are the fittest! Go Team Darwin! The only impediment in this chapter is my nephew who unplugs my laptop and plays with it all the time! 😧

Chapter 3: Ceremonies

Nothing much here the regulars Scrums and finger-pointing games with all the preparation for the next day! We all remember the sprint diagram, don’t we? Continuous loop back and this loop never ends.

Chapter 4: The Juggler

In these times of chaos, crisis and confusion juggling work life and personal life sometimes gets tough. I have welcomed a little one in the family, lost a loved one and has been taking care of one of my parents health and also ensuring that the house is running, Maintaining social distancing from the people and also from negative traits, most importantly trying hard to ‘stay negative in the world full of positives!!‘

Life has been a rollercoaster ride amidst this pandemic, still we are thriving and surviving! And this too shall pass!

Well that’s my pandemic story…

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Leading SAFe - I am a SAFe Agilist, are you ?

Learn about this program here : Leading SAFe

Agile Testing Tutorial

This is one the informative tutorials on Agile Testing i have found on the web. Sharing it here on my blog. Thanks to Alex from Guru99 Tutorials for providing these resources.

Agile Testing Course - Guru99

Friday, August 1, 2014

Got Certified!!

Waited with Bated Breath for the Results to be Announced and finally they are here..

Happy to Share that I got Certified and I am a Certified Agile Test Professional!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Certified Agile Tester - simply CAT !

In my 7 years of Professional Career, I have taken HP, ISTQB ,IBM certifications and cleared all of them in the first attempt! Which is not a difficult task :)  provided you  rely on the course material and work out on the sample questions that they provide you during training. mostly if you are good at picking right choices and luck favors you that day, you clear these exams easily.

I went to Certified Agile Tester Program with similar mindset. However, to my surprise this course was totally different!

Firstly, its a 5 day training program. you read it right! all five days of your course starting from Day1 to Day 5 (which is a test day) you need to devote your complete time to the course. Take this test if and only if you are willing &  have time for this kind of technical certification. For this you might need help and support from your Manager and family ( specially avoid calls during the sessions).

Trainer: We were lucky to have trainer who was very experienced Agile Practitioner, Coach & Agile Guru!
Venue: Red fox Hotels, Hyderabad.
Timings: 9AM to 6 PM

Details of the Program:

Everyday: Daily Scrum and Soft Skills Assessment
Day 1: History and Terminology: Agile Manifesto, Principles and Methods
Day 2: Planning, Requirements, Estimation and Strategy
Day 3: Developer Context, Testing and Retrospectives
Day 4: Test Driven Development, Test Automation and Non-Functional
Day 5: Practical Assessment and Written Exam

Most interesting part of Day1 is the Practical Session with LEGO blocks. This particular exercise alone gives you a good insight into the course.

Throughout the training your soft skills are assessed by the Trainer and don't forget the fact that it carries 10  out of 100 marks of the assessment. So, my advice is to stay Attentive, Interactive and Active during the training sessions , the main concept of agile team is to be collaborative and teamwork
you get marks for that!

Exam Pattern:

Concept of Three Phases: 

Agile Projects strongly rely on the individuals – their knowledge, their ability to interact constantly with the team as well as the discipline to produce working software in agreed time frames. Therefore, the examination to become a Certified Agile Tester is separated into three different parts:
- A soft skills assessment on capacity for teamwork
- An open questions exam to demonstrate profound theoretical knowledge
- A practical section where the examinee’s testing skills are put to the test.
Whereas the soft skills will be assessed throughout the five training days, the written as well as the practical examination will take place on the last of the five days.
Students that have passed the training will contribute to agile projects by understanding the principles behind the agile approach to software development and appreciating the challenges and difficulties associated with the non-testing activities performed in an agile team.

Exam Fees:

The price for the Certified Agile Tester exam is the same worldwide. It costs 400 € (or the equivalent in the local currency). It consists of three parts:

- A soft skills assessment on capacity for teamwork
- An exam, which requires free answering - no multiple choice questions
- A practical section where the examinee’s testing skills are put to the test.

The 5th training day is allocated to the exam.


The price for the re-examination is the same as the regular exam 400 €. If you re-sit only one part of the exam (practical or written part) the price is 250 €.

Best thing about this Certification is unlike other online-based certifications or let me put it this way 'Dump'based certifications this one is very different. we don't have to byheart anything, Just understand, analyse kind of user stories that come in both Practical and Theoritical exam that makes your life easy as well as hard. Hard because, you can't predict what you really get in the final exam!

My Advice: 

  • Stay Focused. Attentive and go with Agile Mindset.
  • Ask Questions (Very  Important ), Don't shy because you are new to agile. well most of the folks who take this training will be new to Agile and it hurts later if you dont ask Questions!!
  • Team Work  -  Know your team, make friends and always address as 'Team'

One last important thing is make sure you are capable of writing for 6 hours (Practical exam + Theoretical Essay type exam). 

there is a possibility that your hand will hurt/ache very much during the exam, so make sure you practice enough during the 4 day course. Reason for mentioning this specifically is as this was the only challenge that I faced through out this course.

 I am still waiting for my results and hope i get through this certification! wish me Good Luck.

Remember one thing Agile is all about Mindset!

My Team, with the President of Indian Testing Board - Vipul Kocher! ( in red shirt)

All the folks who cleared  ISTQB exam would definitely know about Mr.Vipul :)

Day 1 - Lego Exercise - Class Room Activity

Task Board

 Team Picture:

You can shoot any questions/comments below.  Happy to Help!

For more information visit:

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Series of SOA Testing!

Its been a long time i have posted on my blog. Considering the Number of hits my blog is getting, I am planning to write a 'Series of SOA testing' articles. Don't forget to subscribe!